Chestergates Veterinary Specialists recruits internal medicine talent

ChesterGates, one of the most advanced and well-equipped veterinary specialist-led referral centres in the UK, is enhancing its specialist Internal Medicine department with the recruitment of Dr. Emily Fulton BVSc (Hons) MVM DipECVIM MRCVS.
Emily has been a European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine diplomate since 2024 and became an RCVS Recognised Specialist in 2025. She graduated from the University of Liverpool in 2015, spent 18 months working in general practice, then returned to Liverpool to complete her rotating internship. Subsequently, Emily moved to the University of Glasgow in 2019 where she completed her residency in internal medicine, alongside a masters degree focusing on canine glomerular disease.
Emily enjoys all aspects of medicine but particularly likes the acute cases and nephrology. She has recently completed the IRIS Haemodialysis Academy course and enjoyed the challenge of learning more about this complicated area of veterinary medicine.
At ChesterGates, Emily plans to use her new role to continue to further her skills and knowledge in emergency and critical care to become best equipped for a variety of medical emergencies as well as continuing to see routine medical cases.
On joining Chestergates, Emily said:
“Joining the ChesterGates internal medicine team is a great opportunity to further develop my skills and knowledge as a medic, surrounded by a great team and hospital environment. My main ambition is to continue to see a variety of complex medical cases and be part of a growing and expanding medical team so that we can continue to deliver excellent care to even more patients.”
With the addition of Emily to the team, the number of internal medicine clinicians at ChesterGates stands at four, having continued to grow with demand. The hospital has access to high field MRI, CT and an endoscopy suite, and is equipped to manage the full spectrum of disorders within the internal medicine field. These cutting-edge facilities, twinned with a multi-disciplinary approach to each case, has made ChesterGates one of the leading referral hospitals for internal medicine cases in the region.
ChesterGates Veterinary Specialists is one of the most advanced and well-equipped veterinary specialist referral centres in the UK. It offers a broad range of specialist veterinary referral services including orthopaedics, cardiology, soft tissue surgery, anaesthesia and analgesia, ophthalmology, internal medicine, diagnostic imaging and neurology and neurosurgery.